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Thomas de Mallet Burgess appointed as Artistic Director of the Finnish National Opera

The Board of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet Foundation made a unanimous decision about the appointment in a meeting on Tuesday 11 October 2022. From the many candidates, opera director Thomas de Mallet Burgess was the one who best fulfilled the criteria of the international recruitment process.

Opera director Thomas de Mallet Burgess proposed as Artistic Director of Finnish National Opera

The Board of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet Foundation decided to recommend Mr. de Mallet Burgess in a meeting on Thursday 27 September 2022. “As an Artistic Director, Thomas brings a combination of experience and creativity that would boldly develop the future of opera at the Finnish National Opera”, says General Director Gita Kadambi.

The Finnish National Opera and Ballet’s XR Stage Project receives an international grant

The Finnish National Opera and Ballet’s XR Stage Project has received the international FEDORA Next Stage Grant of €60,000. The XR Stage Project is part of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet’s Opera Beyond project. The grant recipients were announced on 17 June at The Opera Europa Spring Conference in Prague.

Javier Torres appointed Artistic Director of the Finnish National Ballet

At its meeting on Thursday 21 October 2021, the Board of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet appointed Javier Torres López to the position of the Artistic Director of the Finnish National Ballet. Javier Torres will assume his new position on 1 August 2022.

The Finnish National Opera’s Laila wins the international FEDORA Digital Prize

The Finnish National Opera and Ballet’s XR Stage Project has received the international FEDORA Next Stage Grant of €60,000. The XR Stage Project is part of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet’s Opera Beyond project. The grant recipients were announced on 17 June at The Opera Europa Spring Conference in Prague.